All Kinds of Minds Therapy

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Tyler Newberry: “Spreading positivity is my mission in life.”  

Interview with Tyler Newberry

How would you describe yourself?

One thing that I have learned throughout my life is how a positive mindset can take you far. Not only does it support myself with my healing and mindset, but it spreads to others. While spreading positivity is important to me,  I am also passionate about my advocacy for people with disabilities. I am passionate about involving myself into the community by watching the Wisconsin sports teams and the Milwaukee Bucks.

Do you have a disability or are considered neurodivergent? If so, what does that mean to you?  

I consider myself neurodivergent because my disease, Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, has caused me to have degenerative brain disease.  My brain thinks and acts differently than others. It can be hard to get around as easily as others due to my disability. I don’t let that hold me back from experiencing life to the fullest. I never take advantage and always stay present in each moment of my life. My disability has been rewarding in some ways because I see life, feel life, and find life in a different way than others. I see beauty in everything as I am alive.

What do you wish people knew about having a disability or being neurodivergent?

Having a disability does not change your ability to enjoy and be present with life. It just means I have to do things differently to access life than others. I wish people would understand that those with disabilities just want to be treated fairly and respectfully. One of the biggest gifts for me is when I am included - even with being different. That is why I focus so hard on positivity. People being present with me and being positive makes me feel like they enjoy my presence and aren’t just treating me differently.

What are tools or tips you have for self empowerment or reaching your goals?

I believe positivity matters. You wake up everyday for a reason to be able to start a new day, change to a positive mindset, challenge yourself to try new things, and to explore new opportunities in life. When challenges arise in life I think about how to approach in a way of a positive mindset. Challenge your loved ones to support one another with love and kindness and be positive!

My first life goal that has never stopped and what I work on every day is being healthy. Because of my disease, I have been in now 4 chemotherapy trails to heal. I have to work hard in physical therapy, with my hands and legs to keep them moving, eat and drink well, try new healing methods to make my body work for me. This will never stop. 

My second goal in life happened when I was in the Cutting Edge Program in Edgewood College. For me it was a big campus to walk so I decided to create a business with a golf cart to drive people around campus if they were injured or had a disability. It was a big success. 

My third goal was to have a small business. I accomplished my goal! It is called TMONEY, which stands for : 

T= Time Matters

M=Make the Most of Every Day 

O=Opportunity Exists in Every Moment  

N=Never Give Up 

E= Every Day is a Gift 

Y= You are Unique and Special 

I sell a variety of hats with this TMONEY logo on it and sunglasses. 

Spreading positivity is my mission in life, so I added a 4th life goal which was to promote constant POSITIVITY . I made a Positivity Logo which is awesome and now sell , t-shirts, and dog bandanas to remind everyone to start the day out with a positive mindset and keep it going all day long. 

My other passion is helping and advocating for those with disabilities. I am honored to say I am part of this organization called Ambility Ambassadors. The mission of this program is to inform our community how to best support and respect those with disabilities. Our goal  is how to best support and respect those with a disability in the workforce. We want people with disabilities to feel welcomed in every opportunity they want to take on. One thing that we have noticed is how many people aren’t educated on how to support those with disabilities. I love this program because everyone comes to our meetings with an open mind and ready to spread the word of positivity. 

What are the benefits or difficulties of having a disability or being neurodivergent? 

The benefit of having a disability is that I see life beautifully , every day. I wake up and I am here , alive and want to live my life. People always ask me if I would like to be born again without this disease? I say no! Because I see life as precious and many others who don't have what I have , see it the same way. Life to me is amazing.  I have a front row seat seeing how beautiful life is and I have more life to watch. 

The only difficulty I have is wanting to do more like my family and friends can do- I would like to take walks and hikes with them . I would like to have stronger physical ability. 

Do you have any advice for others?

Always move forward with a positive attitude. 

Positivity is a choice. 

Wake up every day and choose to be positive. 

Demand a seat at the table 

Respect and Include those with disabilities.

Never Give Up.

Love you. 

Say Thank You for everything.