Providing you with a safe space to feel understood

We are here for all kinds of minds, providing mental health care for neurodivergent minds of all ages.

We are here to create a space to thrive, connect, and feel understood.

Our Promises to Our Clients

Our promises to our clients start with the small (but sometimes feel kinda big) things -

We promise to celebrate and get to know our clients’ focused interests - may that be bees, plants, super heroes, youtubers, space, minecraft, the way elevators work.. we love that something is loved with passion.

We promise to recognize that eye contact is hard and that the little social cues are confusing. Our clients say something socially “taboo” - well, we will respect the honesty.

We promise to honor our clients’ sensory sensitivities and needs - we won’t bat an eye at stimming behavior, “random” noises, repeated phrases, or pacing.

We promise to believe our clients and seek to understand the world from their perspective. We will do everything in our power to learn about our clients’ neurotypes so the burden of educating us is not on them.

We promise to guide our clients back to the conversation with kindness and will offer patience if they tend to be a topic hopper.

We promise to provide our clients a safe space to unmask and engage authentically.

We promise to provide therapy and support for all kinds of minds.

Our services

  • Individual Therapy

  • Family & Couples Therapy

  • Parent Coaching

  • Academic Tutoring and Coping Support

  • Life Skill & Independent Living Coaching

  • Vocational Support & Job Readiness Coaching